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Why do we need extrinsic semiconductors?

Is the number of free electrons and holes equal in extrinsic semiconductor?

The density of electrons and holes in the intrinsic semiconductor is the same, that is, the number of free electrons present in the conduction band is equal to the number of holes in the valence band. But in the case of extrinsic semiconductors, the number of electrons and holes are not equal.

What is the relationship between holes and electrons in intrinsic semiconductors? The number of holes and electrons is therefore determined by the properties of the material itself instead of the impurities. In intrinsic semiconductors, the number of excited electrons is equal to the number of holes; n = p.

In which semiconductor are electrons and holes equal?

In an intrinsic semiconductor, the concentration of holes is equal to the concentration of electrons. This is because it is a pure semiconductor. So the number of holes in the valence band is equal to the number of electrons in the conduction band. Was this answer helpful?

In which of the following semiconductor The construction of the holes and electrons is equal?

In which of the following semiconductors, the concentration of holes and electrons is equal? In the intrinsic semiconductor, ni = pi which is the number of electrons is equal to the number of holes.

In which type of semiconductor number of holes is equal to number of free electrons?

The potential difference is given to an intrinsic semiconductor medium, the electron from one of the bonds is free, and in the same place, the vacancy was generated. So the only equal number of holes and electrons are generated in the intrinsic semiconductor.

Why does the number of electrons equal the number of holes in an intrinsic semiconductor?

There are an equal number of electrons and holes in an intrinsic semiconductor because for every electron promoted from the valence band to the conduction band, there is one hole created in the valence band.

What are the reasons for the generation of free electrons and holes in intrinsic semiconductor at room temperature?

Thermal : At a fixed temperature, an intrinsic semiconductor with a large energy gap has smaller concentrations of free electrons and holes than a semiconductor with a small energy gap. Optical: Light can also generate free electrons and holes in a semiconductor.

Why are the number of holes equal to the number of electrons?

They have four electrons in the outermost orbit of an atom and the atoms are held together by a covalent bond. Free electrons and holes are both charge carriers and the number of electrons in the conduction band is equal to the number of holes in the valence band.

In which type of semiconductor number of holes is equal to number of free electrons?

The potential difference is given to an intrinsic semiconductor medium, the electron from one of the bonds is free, and in the same place, the vacancy was generated. So the only equal number of holes and electrons are generated in the intrinsic semiconductor.

What is hole in p-type semiconductor?

holes. In the hole. P-type silicon (for extra positive charges) results if the dopant is boron, which contains one less electron than a silicon atom. Each boron atom added creates a deficiency of one electron, ie, a positive hole.

When the number of electrons in the conduction band is equal to the number of holes in the valence band at particular temperature the semiconductor is?

1 Intrinsic semiconductors are those type of conductors where the number of electrons is equal to the number of holes in that particular material.

Why are extrinsic type semiconductors preferred over intrinsic type semiconductor?

The number of free payment carriers is less and therefore has a higher resistance to making payments. Whereas an extrinsic semiconductor has greater conductivity as it has a number of free charge carriers. Therefore external semiconductors are preferred for the practical manufacture of semiconductor components and equipment.

What is the biggest difference between intrinsic and extrinsic semiconductors? In an extrinsic semiconductor, doping is carried out, i.e. a small amount of impurity is added into the pure semiconductor. In an intrinsic semiconductor, the number of electrons is equal to the number of holes. In the case of extrinsic semiconductors, the number of holes and electrons are not equal.

What are the three differences between intrinsic and extrinsic semiconductor?

The main difference between intrinsic and extrinsic semiconductors is that intrinsic semiconductors are pure semiconductor materials. Extrinsic semiconductors, on the other hand, are impure semiconductors generated by adding an impurity to a pure semiconductor.

What is the difference between intrinsic and extrinsic value?

The intrinsic value of something is said to be the value that thing has âin itself,â or âfor its own sake,â or â as such,â or â in itself.â Extrinsic value is value which is not innate. Many philosophers take intrinsic value as crucial to a variety of moral judgments.

What is the difference between intrinsic and extrinsic motivation?

Intrinsic motivation describes the performance of an activity for its inherent satisfaction while extrinsic motivation describes behavior driven by external rewards or punishments, abstract or concrete. Intrinsic motivation comes from within the individual, while extrinsic motivation comes from outside the individual.

Why do we prefer extrinsic semiconductor?

Extrinsic semiconductors are semiconductors that are doped with specific impurities. The impurity modifies the semiconductor’s electrical properties and makes it more suitable for electronic devices such as diodes and transistors.

Why extrinsic semiconductor are more than intrinsic ones?

The conductivity of an extrinsic semiconductor is more than that of an intrinsic semiconductor. This is because, in an intrinsic (pure) semiconductor, the carriers are only thermally generated carriers.

What are extrinsic semiconductors used for?

Doping is the key to the extraordinarily wide range of electrical behavior that semiconductors can exhibit, and extrinsic semiconductors are used to make semiconductor electronic devices such as diodes, transistors, integrated circuits, semiconductor lasers, LEDs and photovoltaic cells.

Which type of semiconductor is preferred?

Why is silicon preferred over germanium for semiconductors? The reason is, silicon can be worked at a higher temperature compared to germanium. The crystal structure of Germany will be destroyed at higher temperature. Also, silicon has a much smaller leakage current than germanium.

Why is N-type semiconductor preferred?

since the electron has a high mobility compared to the hole, the conductivity of an n-type semiconductor material is greater than a p-type semiconductor.

Which semiconductor is good p-type or n-type?

P-type semiconductorN-type semiconductor
In p-type, the energy level of the acceptor is close to the valence band & absent from the conduction band.In n-type, the energy level of the donor is close to the conduction band and absent from the valence band.

Why P type semiconductor is called acceptor?

In a p-type semiconductor, a trivalent impurity from the group III elements is added as the impurity. Trivalent impurities such as Aluminum, Indium and Gallium are added to the intrinsic semiconductor. The added trivalent impurities provide extra holes known as the acceptor atom.

Why is an n-type semiconductor called a donor? In an n-type semiconductor, a pentavalent impurity from the V group is added to the pure semiconductor. Examples of pentavalent impurities are Arsenic, Antimony, Bismuth etc. Pentavalent impurities provide extra electrons and are called donor atoms.

Why p-type semiconductor is called acceptor impurity?

Definition of an Acceptor Impurity It has the ability to accept an electron from a neighboring atom since it has an electron vacancy. It is therefore called an acceptor impurity. So, the presence of excess positive charge forms the p-type region. Therefore the acceptor impurity is used to form p-type semiconductors.

What is acceptor impurity in semiconductor?

An acceptor impurity is a physical material that when added to a semiconductor can form a P-type region by creating positive charges or holes in the semiconductor material such as silicon or germanium.

Why p-type impurities are called acceptor impurities?

Since the trivalent impurities accept electrons from the covalent bonds of Si, Ge they create p-type semiconductors. Therefore, the trivalent impurity is called Acceptor impurities. Note: Intrinsic semiconductors are doped with pentavalent impurities.

What is acceptor in semiconductor?

In semiconductor physics, an acceptor is a dopant atom that when substituted into a semiconductor lattice forms a p-type region.

What is donor and acceptor in semiconductor?

Donor Vs Acceptor. An electron donor is a doping atom (impurity) that, when added to a semiconductor, can form an n-type semiconductor. An electron acceptor is a doping atom (impurity) that, when added to a semiconductor, can form a p-type semiconductor.

What is donor in semiconductor?

In semiconductor physics, a donor is a dopant atom that, when added to a semiconductor, can form an n-type region.

What are the p-type semiconductors called?

Semiconductors such as germanium or silicon doped with any of the trivalent atoms such as boron, indium or gallium are called p-type semiconductors.

Why is p-type semiconductor so called?

An extrinsic semiconductor that has been doped with electron-accepting atoms is called a p-type semiconductor, because the majority of charge carriers in the crystal are positive holes.

Is the semiconductor n-type or p-type?

P-type semiconductorN-type semiconductor
The formation of holes in this semiconductor is called as acceptorsThe formation of electrons in this semiconductor is called as acceptors

Why extrinsic semiconductor are more than intrinsic ones?

The conductivity of an extrinsic semiconductor is more than that of an intrinsic semiconductor. This is because, in an intrinsic (pure) semiconductor, the carriers are only thermally generated carriers.

Why are extrinsic semiconductors superior to intrinsic semiconductors? Extrinsic semiconductors are better in conductivity than intrinsic semiconductors. The conductivity of extrinsic semiconductors depends on temperature as well as impurity concentration. Unlike intrinsic semiconductors, extrinsic semiconductors are of two types: p-type and n-type.

Why do we prefer extrinsic semiconductor?

Extrinsic semiconductors are semiconductors that are doped with specific impurities. The impurity modifies the semiconductor’s electrical properties and makes it more suitable for electronic devices such as diodes and transistors.

What are extrinsic semiconductors used for?

Doping is the key to the extraordinarily wide range of electrical behavior that semiconductors can exhibit, and extrinsic semiconductors are used to make semiconductor electronic devices such as diodes, transistors, integrated circuits, semiconductor lasers, LEDs and photovoltaic cells.

Why an extrinsic semiconductor behaves like an insulator at higher temperature?

This is because extra electrons are excited from the valence band to the conduction band, due to which the number of free electron-hole pairs increases.

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